Company: Other Companies
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Other Companies NONE ANY Driver. ATTN
For those of you with old computers or who are building computers with New/Old parts. I have came accrost many motherboards with no cd rom support. So it was nearly impoisbable to install windows off a cd rom. Now i created a boot disk with the help of to creat this setup disk. All you do is set the system to boot off A ,C Then download this file. Extract it and transfer to floppy. Then insert this in the system and a WIndows Setup CD ROM in an IDE device. Then the disk will find the cdrom and automatically run d \setup and you can start installing your OS.
Any questions email me.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
35330 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/ASPI2DOS.SYS
14386 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/ASPI4DOS.SYS
37564 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/ASPI8DOS.SYS
44828 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/ASPI8U2.SYS
29606 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/ASPICD.SYS
53 11-06-02 15:39 Windows Setup/AUTOEXEC.BAT
21971 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/BTCDROM.SYS
30955 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/BTDOSM.SYS
34262 09-26-96 18:13 Windows Setup/CD1.SYS
16504 11-21-96 02:54 Windows Setup/CD2.SYS
19984 08-13-96 02:03 Windows Setup/CD3.SYS
41302 05-11-98 21:01 Windows Setup/CD4.SYS
922 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/CHECKSR.BAT
93040 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/COMMAND.COM
377 12-13-99 00:55 Windows Setup/CONFIG.SYS
264631 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/EBD.CAB
29843 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/EBDUNDO.EXE
53767 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/EXTRACT.EXE
66060 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/FDISK.EXE
6855 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/FINDRAMD.EXE
1247 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/FIXIT.BAT
64425 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/FLASHPT.SYS
3501 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/HIBINV.EXE
33191 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/HIMEM.SYS
25473 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/MSCDEX.EXE
41302 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/OAKCDROM.SYS
12663 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/RAMDRIVE.SYS
12661 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/README.TXT
1443 06-08-00 18:00 Windows Setup/SETRAMD.BAT
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1038146 29 files