12 Mar 2025


Atrend ATC-5000 BIOS Driver

Company: Atrend
Model: ATC-5000
Operating System: DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: UnzipMe.exe


Atrend ATC-5000 Driver. As you probably know by now, Atrend no longer exists and their website (and therefore their BIOS flash upgrades) no longer do either. I purchased 256MB of SDRAM and my mainboard would only recognise it as 128MB. Did updating the BIOS fix it? No... But
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 131072 10-23-02 13:23 5000V105.BIN 131072 11-04-97 12:59 5000V106.BIN 131072 10-23-02 04:26 5000V107.BIN 131072 10-23-02 04:26 5000v108.bin 31058 10-23-02 04:42 awdflash.exe 2656 10-26-02 14:05 Readme.txt -------- ---- 558002 6 files

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