13 Mar 2025


Aopen BIOS AX6BC BIOS Driver

Company: Aopen
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ax6bc253.zip



Checksum DCA2h

Fixes hang-up at 52h when booting with USB device connected.

[Note] Please follow steps below to flash this new type BIOS of AX6BC motherboards. Procedure: Download this zipped file. Run shareware PKUNZIP (http://www.pkware.com/) which supports miscellaneous operation systems to extract the binary BIOS file and the flash utility. Or Winzip (http://www.winzip.com/) in Windows environment. Save "AX6BC253.EXE" and "AX6BC253.BIN" to a DOS floppy disk. Reboot your system with this disk without loading any memory handler (suh as EMM386) or device driver to get as much free space as possible. If you have an EPROM writer, simply take the .BIN file to program your BIOS. Execute A:>AX6BC253 and the program will do the rest of it. DO NOT turn off power during flashing process, until you are asked to!! Reboot system and press "DEL" to enter BIOS setup, load "BIOS SETUP DEFAULT", then SAVE and EXIT. Done!

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