4 Mar 2025


Olivetti Personal Computers M6 460 Suprema BIOS Driver

Company: Olivetti Personal Computers
Model: M6 460 Suprema
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pi1ud108.zip


Olivetti Personal Computers M6 460 Suprema Driver. As requested by many, the changes in the BIOS of an Olivetti M6 460 Suprema can be achieved in 2 ways. If the hard disc is the original one there is a time period of 5 seconds during startup of the computer, where the user can press CTRL-ALT-U to get into the BIOS settings. If this does not work you will need the included zip file. Prepare a bootable DOS disc and copy the unzipped files onto this floppy. Reboot the system with this disc and you will be able to go to the bios settings.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 24 07-14-93 11:24 AUTOEXEC.BAT 54619 09-30-93 06:20 COMMAND.COM 130 07-07-93 16:21 CONFIG.SYS 72697 04-13-94 09:42 CPU_DIA.EXE 10637 03-17-93 16:05 CPU_DIA.MSG 13234 04-13-94 09:45 FDU_DIA.EXE 13670 04-08-92 10:53 FDU_DIA.MSG 7675 04-13-94 09:48 FWREV.EXE 9502 07-16-93 14:36 FWREV.MSG 18652 04-13-94 09:45 HDU_DIA.EXE 10217 03-08-94 11:14 HDU_DIA.MSG 40566 09-30-93 06:20 IO.SYS 11781 04-13-94 09:43 KBD_DIA.EXE 10573 08-23-93 16:29 KBD_DIA.MSG 40736 04-13-94 09:49 KP.EXE 6846 12-15-93 10:56 KP.HLP 12446 12-13-91 09:57 KP.MSG 105 06-07-91 11:26 LANGUAGE.CAT 4653 04-13-94 09:47 LASTINFO.EXE 1794 02-11-93 12:19 LASTINFO.HLP 7393 02-11-93 14:53 LASTINFO.MSG 53188 04-13-94 09:42 LOGO.EXE 30955 04-13-94 09:43 MEM_DIA.EXE 9924 02-17-92 10:43 MEM_DIA.MSG 11966 04-13-94 09:46 MOU_DIA.EXE 10430 12-13-91 10:08 MOU_DIA.MSG 38138 09-30-93 06:20 MSDOS.SYS 41754 04-13-94 09:47 OLI_U.EXE 1828 03-17-93 16:01 OLI_U.HLP 8354 10-06-93 10:12 OLI_U.MSG 8478 04-13-94 09:46 PAR_DIA.EXE 8019 03-17-94 08:22 PAR_DIA.MSG 7340 04-13-94 09:48 PASSWD.EXE 3539 03-24-93 09:52 PASSWD.HLP 11759 12-13-91 10:20 PASSWD.MSG 7346 04-13-94 09:48 PASSWD2.EXE 3470 03-24-93 10:18 PASSWD2.HLP 11447 12-16-91 13:58 PASSWD2.MSG 15656 09-30-93 06:20 PRINT.EXE 4427 04-13-94 09:42 RCMOS.EXE 7615 02-24-92 09:24 RTLINKST.COM 4244 04-13-94 09:42 SCMOS.EXE 11928 04-13-94 09:48 SECURITY.EXE 16298 04-14-93 14:51 SECURITY.HLP 10808 04-14-93 14:54 SECURITY.MSG 9434 04-13-94 09:46 SER_DIA.EXE 8824 03-29-94 08:19 SER_DIA.MSG 8484 04-13-94 09:48 SETCLOCK.EXE 8472 02-04-92 08:40 SETCLOCK.MSG 8598 04-13-94 09:49 SETTEXT.EXE 15230 04-26-93 10:46 SETUP_U.D 12560 04-26-93 11:27 SETUP_U.E 32441 04-13-94 09:47 SETUP_U.EXE 15672 04-26-93 11:34 SETUP_U.F 14300 12-15-93 10:46 SETUP_U.I 26560 06-30-93 14:38 SETUP_U.MSG 15563 04-26-93 10:50 SETUP_U.S 22917 04-13-94 09:46 SNP_DIA.EXE 8478 07-16-93 14:00 SNP_DIA.MSG 6756 04-13-94 09:49 SOUND.EXE 8927 02-04-93 11:11 SOUND.MSG 100766 06-10-92 11:18 ST_LLIB.RTL 27804 03-10-92 03:10 TADA.WAV 45984 04-13-94 09:49 U_MGR.EXE 34959 12-15-93 10:15 U_MGR.HLP 9633 12-15-93 11:04 U_MGR.MSG 91336 04-13-94 09:45 VID_DIA.EXE 43816 02-17-94 15:40 VID_DIA.MSG -------- ------- 1264375 68 files

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