12 Mar 2025


Intel FJ440ZX BIOS Driver

Company: Intel
Model: FJ440ZX
Operating System: Other (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: FJAP05BI.zip


Intel FJ440ZX Driver. This is the Bios update for the FJ440ZX. This will upgrade you to Bios # 4F4JZ0XA.86A.0006.P05. You must unzip and copy to a bootable floppy. Be sure to follow bios upgrade instructions as listed on the Intel site. After upgrade enter bios and hit the F9 key to set defaults and make sure your operating system is set to Plug and Play. Have fun. This upgrade is intended to upgrade board to a 500Mhz however I have been running a 533Mhz with no problems. ENJOY
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 65696 05-21-99 16:17 P05-0006.BI1 65696 05-21-99 16:17 P05-0006.BI2 32928 05-21-99 16:17 P05-0006.BI3 65696 05-21-99 16:17 P05-0006.BIO 65696 05-21-99 16:17 BIOS.REC 16544 05-21-99 16:17 P05-0006.BBO 47 03-17-99 11:45 AREAEXT.DAT 14 01-22-97 15:32 AUTOEXEC.BAT 32 02-22-99 12:25 BEEP.COM 210546 02-11-99 14:52 IFLASH.EXE -------- ------- 522895 10 files

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