13 Mar 2025


Biostar M6TWG BIOS Driver

Company: Biostar
Model: M6TWG
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: biosupgrade.zip


Biostar M6TWG Driver. They wanted $50 dollars for a kit to do what I did on my own. If your mother board says M6TWG you can update your bios with these two files. You must first creat a windows 95 or 98 start up disk in the Start/settings/controle panel/AddRemove Programs/ then click on the startup disk tab and make a start up disk. After disk is made you must delete of the disk the Autoexec.bat and the Config.sys files. Then make another disk with the two files from the zip, awd756a and Twg1031f.bin . Restart your computer with the startup disk in the 3 1/2 drive. when you get the A prompt type with out the quotes " awd765a Twg1031f.bin " make sure you have the space between the files. then fallow the directions. This worked great for me and don't pay the money.
File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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