7 Mar 2025


Sony Electronics rx540 BIOS Driver

Company: Sony Electronics
Model: rx540
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ViaoRX540.zip


Sony Electronics rx540 Driver. Tis is directly downloaded with xp from Intel's bios update utility for the sony viao rx540 and THEY only update the graphics. I have also uploaded the asus full bios version so look for it here.(ssame motherboard and specs but not INtel specified- ASUS made this RX540 motherboard for them.1.2 ghz celeron with intel chips.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 105 01-11-02 03:14 autoexec.bat 1954 08-01-01 06:53 BinksCmos.txt 9242 12-15-00 04:56 Biosname.exe 262144 10-22-01 09:05 blk1003.bin 98568 03-16-01 01:31 Dmiflash.exe 3506 10-22-01 09:05 Tusl-lv.txt -------- ---- 375519 6 files

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