13 Mar 2025


Other Companies DEC Alpha AXP150 JENSEN BIOS Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: DEC Alpha AXP150 JENSEN
Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ALPHA_ECU-V207.zip




Configuring this monster was a nightmare. I was strange, had to remove the HD card overnight, install it and run config, then let it run for quite some time. It was the only what it would stick. Then, if you install any new software, it stumps the configuration, and you have to start all over again.

Digital Equipment Corporation, Now Compaq, Now HP, DEC ALPHA AXP150 EISA ECU Configuration Utility DISKETTE























WHO LIVES? http://www.wholives.com


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and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. For the saints shall judge this world, and man shall judge the angels, astral rape, astral sex, astral projection, astral=jezebel, out of body, obe, out-of-body

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3559 06-07-01 20:25 !!CFG.NDX 3880 10-03-97 09:51 !CPQ6100.CFG 1596 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC2400.CFG 2102 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC2A01.CFG 3824 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC2E00.CFG 5617 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC2F00.CFG 20198 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC3001.CFG 20198 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC3002.CFG 20198 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC3003.CFG 3707 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC4220.CFG 10760 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC4250.CFG 2307 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC5000.CFG 1833 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC5100.CFG 2100 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC5301.CFG 1772 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC6000.CFG 1926 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC6400.CFG 2471 10-03-97 09:51 !DEC8301.CFG 20383 10-03-97 09:51 !DPTA502.CFG 5853 10-03-97 09:51 !ISA0000.CFG 8065 10-03-97 09:51 !MLX0075.CFG 6245 10-03-97 09:51 !MLX0077.CFG 2531 10-03-97 09:51 !NVL0701.CFG 892 10-03-97 09:51 !PHI8041.CFG 3412 10-03-97 09:51 !PRO6000.CFG 3412 10-03-97 09:51 !PRO6001.CFG 3362 10-03-97 09:51 !TCM5090.CFG 3377 10-03-97 09:51 !TCM5092.CFG 3370 10-03-97 09:51 !TCM5093.CFG 6888 10-03-97 09:51 AADP0001.CFG 6884 10-03-97 09:51 AADP0002.CFG 6172 10-03-97 09:51 AADP7771.CFG 5420 10-03-97 09:51 ACPQ3011.CFG 5423 10-03-97 09:51 ACPQ3111.CFG 5419 10-03-97 09:51 ACPQ3112.CFG 6884 10-03-97 09:51 A_x@ff00.cfg 624128 10-03-97 09:51 CF.EXE 22766 10-03-97 09:51 CF_HELP.HLP 258602 10-03-97 09:51 ECU.MAN 3694 10-03-97 09:51 SERIAL.TXT 603 06-24-01 15:57 SYSTEM.SCI 79872 10-03-97 09:51 UTILPLAT 432391 05-29-02 23:11 !ZIPPED/!ALPHAECU207.zip -------- ---- 1634096 42 files

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