14 Mar 2025


Ford Lian BIOS Driver

Company: Ford Lian
Operating System: Other (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Fordlian-1.zip


Ford Lian Driver. I also have the manuals for the various mobo and some other files
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 262144 08-10-00 12:08 zx-6xp2r.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:09 zx-6ap2r.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:09 zx-370r.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:09 via-370r.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:06 693v22f.bin 131072 08-10-00 12:06 lx6xp2br.bin 131072 08-10-00 12:07 lx6ap2lr.bin 131072 08-10-00 12:07 lx6ap2er.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:09 lx-370r.bin 97430 11-27-00 23:11 Fordlian.htm 262144 08-10-00 12:06 bx-6xp2rc.bin 131072 08-10-00 12:06 bx-6xp2r.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:06 BX-6VP2RC.BIN 262144 08-10-00 12:08 BX-6SP2RC.BIN 131072 08-10-00 12:08 bx-6sp2r.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:09 bx-6av2r.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:09 bx-6ap2r.bin 131072 08-10-00 12:06 agp-viar.bin 131072 08-10-00 12:05 agp-alir.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:06 agp-alifd.bin 262144 08-10-00 12:08 6s2m1rf.bin 131072 08-10-00 12:05 Tx-5ib2r.bin -------- ------- 4553878 22 files

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