13 Mar 2025


Premio Bios Version 1.9, Model # 440z 440bx/zx i400x bx MSI mother Board # MS-6147 Micro Atx BIOS Driver

Company: Premio
Model: Bios Version 1.9, Model # 440z 440bx/zx i400x bx MSI mother Board # MS-6147 Micro Atx
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 440Z-19.EXE


Premio Bios Version 1.9, Model # 440z 440bx/zx i400x bx MSI mother Board # MS-6147 Micro Atx Driver. I have all the correct drivers for premio computers 440z, 440bx/zx MSI Motherboard # MS-6147. For the last version 1.9 go to www.premiopc.com and type in 440z in the bios/driver section. These computers also can be overclocked by underclocking them through the jumper settings if its a Pentium II 350MHz close all jumpers except the 2nd from left and your computer speed will read 300MHz the go into the bios while its booting up and hit delete and change your chipset fet. setting to 133/44 MHz and save to cmos and you'll be running at 400MHz with a FSB of 133MHz stable and cool! Good Luck! YOu can also get the 2nd latest bios from MSI version 1.8 but not as good. If it dosent work use the 2nd latest version 1.8 from MSI website. YOu can use the Award flash utility with the 1.9 file (AWDFLxxx..). You can also raise the fsb more by using CPUFSB version 1.7 only, I'll upload that also:) IF you use it choose the MSI 6153 motherboard option and raise your fsb up to 153! I spent alot of time on this old 2nd computer, I'm realy impressed on what this thing can do and had alot of fun. You can also put 512 MB of Memory on this motherboard, it might not say you have that much but it will run it. I'm running Windows XP Pro(had win98 got tired of plug/pray), 144MB of Memory(gave my friend the rest of my memory), CD-RW,and stockrage pro video-agp, and it all runs really fast, and stornger than my Compaq 5bw284 with Pentium 3 850 MHZ with 512MB, and Intel's 82810e 32 MB of video mem. I highly recomend Windows XP for this computer, if your stuck with win98 use the RAge pro Tweaker and it will improve your graphics. Good Luck!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 262144 06-15-00 09:45 440Z-19.BIN 1394 06-15-00 11:02 440Z-19.TXT 15927 05-12-97 17:18 AWDFL535.EXE -------- ---- 279465 3 files

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