13 Mar 2025


Abit BIOS AB9 QuadGT BIOS Driver

Company: Abit
Model: BIOS AB9 QuadGT
Operating System: Not Applicable (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: m621e17.zip


Abit BIOS AB9 QuadGT Driver. Motherboard LGA775

1. Fixed the Wake Up by WAKE of PCIe function abnormality.

2. Support FSB1333 CPU.

3. Fixed CPU multiplier setup abnormality.

4. Fixed AHCI function abnormality.

5. Fixed 45nm CPU compatibility and support CPU half multiplier.

6. Enhanced IEEE 1394 performance.

7. Fixed CPU multiplier abnormality when S3 return.

8. BIOS compiled date: 05/23/2008.

File Contents:
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