12 Mar 2025


ATI ATI SMBus driver BIOS Driver

Company: ATI
Model: ATI SMBus driver
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: sp26608.exe


ATI ATI SMBus driver Driver. After spending hours looking for the ERROR SMBus Driver in Device manager for new install of clean XP ( not the 8 gigabyte trialware HP original) found this driver for wrong device, and wrong motherboard on the HP website. The board was ASUS a8ae ( not listed, proprietary )HP webiste on the A8AE deliberately left out driver, ATI ( that made the ATI SB400 chipset ) delibberately refused all drivers for chipset, etc. etc. This SMBUS driver is for a group of SMBus ATI chipsets, and finds and runs properly. Damed proprietary, unsupported crap from ATI, HP, and ASUS licencing agreements. If you want to get rid of the 8 gigabyte original HP XP installation, they deliberately leave out drivers with no support to force you to load in tons of crap - 14 day trials, ads, pop ups etc... GOOD LUCK
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