12 Mar 2025


Intel Metolious BIOS Driver

Company: Intel
Model: Metolious
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Metolious.zip


Intel Metolious Driver. This is the ACPI drivers for the INTEL Metolious System Hang Watchdog. It Came off a Dell Web PC, or Dell WebPC, whichever you like...Anyway, it is also for the device for the Metolious/Dell Device Status and the Metolious/Dell DSMC and the Metolious/Dell LED Control. It's your lucky day, I had to extract the files from a dying HD from the Web PC, both system files and INF. So you and I are both lucky. Rock on People.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 53999 09-10-99 11:24 New Folder/3Com CorporationWMBOBAA.inf 3256 11-23-99 18:07 New Folder/ChiconyDellkb.inf 1016 07-16-99 10:05 New Folder/Hewlett-PackardHPFUSB98.INF 723 07-22-99 10:43 New Folder/IM120MPD.INF 1314 07-23-99 07:09 New Folder/ImationIM120WDM.INF 2957 07-21-99 15:40 New Folder/Intel Corporationmt.inf 632 09-20-99 18:17 New Folder/Lexarpd.inf 1135 09-20-99 18:20 New Folder/Lexarusb.inf 1184 04-23-99 22:22 New Folder/MMTASK.TSK 118784 08-09-98 10:07 New Folder/MSSTDFMT.DLL 17692 07-21-99 15:40 New Folder/MTSENSOR.SYS 11816 07-21-99 15:40 New Folder/MTWATCH.SYS 29456 04-23-99 22:22 New Folder/MTXDM.DLL 69904 04-23-99 22:22 New Folder/MTXOCI.DLL 779 11-02-99 12:40 New Folder/ProlificU2PAR.INF 19496 10-01-99 09:01 New Folder/Smwdm.inf -------- ---- 334143 16 files

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