13 Mar 2025


Other Companies MSI / Award K7T Turbo MS-6330 v3.6 BIOS Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: MSI / Award K7T Turbo MS-6330 v3.6
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 6330v36.zip


Other Companies MSI / Award K7T Turbo MS-6330 v3.6 Driver. A zip file, contains the following AWFL822A Bios Flash program, "How To Flash BIOS.doc," K7T Series.txt readme, W6330VMS.360 Bios flash file. K7T Series V3.6 BIOS Release for K7T Pro, MS-6330Lite, K7T Pro2, K7T Pro2-A, K7T Turbo, K7T Turbo Limited & K7T Turbo2


1. This is the AWARD(r) BIOS release.

2. This BIOS fixes the following problems of the previous version

-Support AMD XP 2400+ & 2600+ (K7T Turbo2 only)

-Support boot from USB device

3. 2002/10/07

NOTE After I flashed my Bios, it works great. I have had absolutely NO issues or crashes since.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 36352 07-22-03 19:53 How to flash the BIOS.doc 39180 08-27-02 20:00 AWFL822A.EXE 685 10-21-02 14:49 K7T Series.txt 262144 10-07-02 12:04 W6330VMS.360 -------- ---- 338361 4 files

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