4 Mar 2025


Olivetti Personal Computers M24 XS/M24 XD BIOS Driver

Company: Olivetti Personal Computers
Model: M24 XS/M24 XD
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: m24xs108.zip


Olivetti Personal Computers M24 XS/M24 XD Driver. M24 XS P133/166/200

M24 XS P166X/200X/233X

M24 XD P166/200

M24 XD P166X/200X/233X

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9782 08-18-97 17:01 AMIFAUTO.COM 9750 08-18-97 17:01 AMIFLASH.COM 166503 08-28-96 09:41 AMIMM.EXE 601 01-25-98 10:49 AUTOEXEC.BAT 216 08-18-97 14:38 BIOS.BAT 28132 11-18-94 17:38 CLRNVS.EXE 128 07-21-97 13:27 CMOS.DAT 19 01-01-90 00:14 CMOS_0.COM 56877 03-27-97 08:46 DMIDUMP.EXE 47 08-18-97 16:09 DMIV.BAT 965 08-18-97 18:45 DMIWR2.BAT 968 08-18-97 18:45 DMIWR3.BAT 1159 08-27-97 12:25 DMIWR4.BAT 16201 01-28-97 09:54 FLO.EXE 131072 01-24-98 10:42 FLORENCE.ROM 131072 01-24-98 10:42 F_OA_108.TG 131072 01-26-98 10:35 NEWBIOS.ROM 23058 07-29-96 12:50 OEMDMI.EXE 924 01-25-98 10:19 README.1ST 185 08-18-97 14:35 README.BIO 1005 08-18-97 15:57 README.DMI 299 01-25-98 08:23 RELEASE.TXT 10083 11-16-95 16:08 RESTCMOS.EXE 541 01-25-98 10:52 RISULT0.TXT 544 01-26-98 09:17 RISULT1.TXT 871 03-12-97 15:51 ROMREAD.COM 258 08-18-97 14:39 SETM24XS.BAT 45294 05-26-97 09:53 SETUP.RTF 45491 10-21-97 12:55 SETUP1.RTF 217 08-18-97 14:38 SET_FL.BAT 2281 03-13-97 21:14 TGDMIWR2.COM 336 08-18-97 18:44 TGFLASH.BAT -------- ------- 815951 32 files

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