4 Mar 2025


Olivetti Personal Computers M 2-xxx MT FAMILY BIOS Driver

Company: Olivetti Personal Computers
Model: M 2-xxx MT FAMILY
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: m2102u1.zip


Olivetti Personal Computers M 2-xxx MT FAMILY Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 128 07-25-97 15:23 W95S.DAT 128 07-25-97 15:33 W95I.DAT 128 10-29-97 10:56 W95300.DAT 151 07-25-97 15:36 W95_SCSI.BAT 151 07-25-97 15:36 W95_IDE.BAT 153 10-29-97 10:13 w95_300.bat 16512 05-28-97 18:47 USSPDU0_.LNG 16512 05-28-97 18:47 USITDU0_.LNG 16512 05-28-97 18:47 USGRDU0_.LNG 16512 05-28-97 18:47 USFRDU0_.LNG 10083 11-16-95 16:08 RESTCMOS.EXE 807 11-13-97 17:00 README.TXT 23058 07-29-96 12:50 OEMDMI.EXE 128 07-25-97 15:18 NT4S.DAT 128 07-25-97 15:29 NT4I.DAT 128 10-29-97 11:03 NT4300.DAT 151 07-25-97 15:37 NT4_SCSI.BAT 151 07-25-97 15:37 NT4_IDE.BAT 65664 05-28-97 18:48 1002DU0_.BI1 26808 04-03-96 15:01 LOADREC.EXE 188008 02-19-97 10:22 IFLASH.EXE 28132 11-18-94 17:38 CLRNVS.EXE 65664 05-28-97 18:48 BIOSDU0.REC 41088 05-28-97 18:48 BIOSDU0.RE3 65664 05-28-97 18:48 BIOSDU0.RE2 65664 05-28-97 18:48 BIOSDU0.RE1 35 12-14-90 16:02 BEEP.COM 546 11-13-97 16:42 AUTOEXEC.BAT 16384 05-28-97 18:47 1002DU0_.RCV 65664 05-28-97 18:48 1002DU0_.BIO 41088 05-28-97 18:48 1002DU0_.BI3 65664 05-28-97 18:48 1002DU0_.BI2 153 10-29-97 10:14 nt4_300.bat -------- ------- 837747 33 files

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